SPIRAL BIKE | Concert | Performance | Soundride

SPIRAL BIKE ist ein neues Konzertformat aus Wien, das Sound Art und Performance mit einzigartigen Routen und Architekturen der Stadt verbindet. In einem über mehrere Monate angelegten Programm werden unterschiedliche Bezirke der Stadt Wien, vom Zentrum bis in die Peripherie bespielt. Konzerte und Performances finden in den einzigartigen RAD-Spiralen entlang der Praterbrücke nach Donaustadt, von der Südbahnhofbrücke nach Simmering und der Brigittenauerbrücke nach Floridsdorf statt, wobei das Publikum eingeladen ist, mit dem eigenen Fahrrad teilzunehmen.

SPIRAL BIKE präsentiert Konzerte und Klangkunst am Fahrrad, mit mobilen Lautsprechern, in Bewegung und unter freiem Himmel. Das Fahrrad wird zum Medium für Sound Art im öffentlichen Raum und zur Inspiration für musikalische und performative Werke. Als Schwarm mit mobilen PA Lautsprechern, bewegt sich RAD Performance durch die Stadt. Die Straße wird zur Bühne, das Fahrrad zum Soundbike, die kollektive Ausfahrt zum Konzert.


Julia Just’s is an idiosyncratic electronic soundworld of haunted drones, pulses, creaks, and reverberations. The Vienna-based artist deploys field recordings alongside granular synthesis and various digital FX chains via a modular setup – but the result is consistently surprising and mired in a deep sense of darkness. Abstract journeys from the intersection of post-industrial, dark-ambient and electroacoustic music.

Mala Herba is a producer, sound artist, queer activist, and member of the Oramics collective. Their practice is deeply rooted in Slavic village music, queering archives, and healing rituals. The artist has long been interested in healing both as an artistic and activist practice and the new Mala Herba performance is the fruit of their research and engagement. Organized around the concept of sharing in the community, the performance weaves new musical material, live visuals, stage design, and ritualistic elements. It is based on various healing practices rooted in Slavic traditions and celebrated collaboration as the main force of artistic expression and life itself.

মm. (read: mwo, just like the bangla alphabet) is a DJ, curator and community organizer based in Dhaka & Vienna. They curate playlists and mix DJ sets along historic and socio-cultural movements of sounds and music and, when possible, they try to evoke the listener’s nostalgia. The style of music they play, they like to call it “south-on-south”, and they try to embed it in movements of club & dance influences from all over the world.

Litto works on system-, net- and media art. Her artistic research focuses on the perception of self through and by others. Most of her work happens in public space, where she creates participative augmented reality installations and performances. Sometimes she builds her own immersive devices In 2020 she co-founded “SystemKollektiv”, an artist run ngo that created, develops and curates the “Artificial Museum”. Her background in business administration helped her turn what started as an artistic idea into a worldwide platform for digital augmented reality art in public space. She has, both as artist and curator, collaborated with museums, institutions, collectives and artists from all over the world. 

Creatures is a duo formed by Kasho Chualan and Sebastian Meyer. The constellation between the two developed while working on a composition for prepared piano and tape. Creatures developed their sound through improvisation and intuitive methods, while experimenting with structured, intuitive and unusual sounds through different methods on their instruments. Whether it’s using the resonant body or preparation of the strings on the piano (in this case, the bicycle wheel), or to  experimentally manipulating tape, they are a playful acoustic and live analog electronic duo. In this project, they will explore the sonic possibilities of the bicycle wheel.

Veronika Mayer is a sound artist, composer of electroacoustic and instrumental music and laptop musician in the context of free improvisation. Her music is dedicated to the effect of minimal changes in sound and demands openness to subtle details. An in-depth aspect is the thematisation of listening and the creative process itself. She holds a teaching position in the Computer Music and Sound Art programme at the IEM in Graz (KUG) and on the Master’s programme Contemporary Arts Practice in Vienna (MDW). Co-curator of the sound art festival Klangmanifeste in Vienna. In the Artistic Research Project Audio Ghosts (FWF-PEEK) she is researching psychoacoustic illusions in sound art.

Conny Zenk works as an artist and artist researcher in the fields of performance, video and sound art. She applies narratives such as continuity and acceleration through audio-visual compositions and live performances. Conny is the initiator of the art project RAD Performance, which focuses on the fusion of performance and sound art with collective practices such as cycling. Since then, numerous projects in the field of sound art, city history, and feminism have been realized with bicycles in public spaces. With projects such as sound x tracks, VELODROME, and Soundrides, she has been working on a new music format, developed as an innovative possibility for concerts in public spaces.


Astrid . Bokan . Bull . Carrot . Conny . Gulnaz .
Danke an: Hermes Radbot*innen Wien


RAD Performers: Astrid, Bokan, Bull, Carrot, Gulnaz, Kyrill, Lili, Omay
Artistic Direction: Conny Zenk
Technical Direction: Georg Hartl
Production Management: Lena Kauer | der goldene shit
Graphic Design & Photography: Hannah Mayr
Cinematography: Ioana Tarchila, Fabio Ninic
Costume: Astrid Eder | sew.i.y.
Production Assistance: Michaela Zenk
Technical Assistance: Matthias Huber
Production: a_maze | HAZE

Im Rahmen von SHIFT und mit freundlicher Untersützung des Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur öffentlichen Dienst und Sport.

Freitag, 28-06-2024

  • Meeting point:
  • 18:30 SOUNDRIDE
  • Prater Hauptallee / Höhe Südosttangente
  • 19:30 KONZERTE Südbahnhofbrücke
  • RAD-Spirale Brigittenauerbrücke
  • GPS: 48.237203, 16.391939
  • (Ersatztermin bei Schlechtwetter: Samstag, 29-06-2024)

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