Soundride XR

Soundrides XR | Virtual Reality | Digital Realm

Soundrides XR ist eine immersive Performance für ein Online-Publikum, das mit ihren eigenen Avataren auf Rädern teilnimmt. Conny Zenk und Judit Navratil entwickeln ein mehrkanaliges VR-Sounderlebnis in Bewegung. Wie klingt ein Musikformat in Virtual Reality? Themen wie Stadt und Mobilität sowie Inklusivität und das Recht auf die Stadt werden durch Virtual Reality vermittelt. Ein Fahrradorchester, ausgestattet mit Mikrofonen und selbstgemachten Antennen, trägt Sie durch die VR-Campingplätze wie ein Chor von Signalen. Elektrifizierte Impulse und Vibrationen überlagern die Klanglandschaft einer Stadt als immaterielle elektromagnetische Wellen: ähnlich wie unhörbare und unsichtbare Datenströme, die WLAN-Signale und digitale Netzwerke.

Zusätzlich wird eine Augmented Reality (AR) Installation für Smartphones entwickelt, die den Raum mit einer digitalen Ausstellung erweitert. Im Rahmen der AR-Ausstellung besteht eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem Artificial Museum, die das Kunstprojekt RAD Performance in den digitalen öffentlichen Raum einbettet und es auf der gleichnamigen Online-Plattform verortet.

Zwischenräume kollektiver Verkörperung

Das Verständnis digitaler Räume als öffentliche und kommunikative Versammlungsorte, aktiviert Klanglandschaften für eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit unserer physischen und sozialen Umwelt. Conny Zenk ist die Gründerin von RAD Performance, einer kollektiven Erfahrung von Gruppenfahrten, Klangkunst und Aufführungen im öffentlichen Raum. Judit Navratil hat seit 2020 das VR Art Camp entwickelt, eine soziale VR-Art Residency und einen sozialen Ort, der mit Sorgfalt aufgebaut wurde. Innerhalb einer Lecture Performance tauschen sie ihre Erfahrungen im Aufbau von Online- und Offline-Communities und mobilen safer-spaces aus, und begleiten das Publikum dabei, ihr Forschungsfeld gemeinsam zu erkunden.

Riot im Riot. On re-claiming space


“Riot im Riot” ist eine spielerische Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen feministischen Strategien der Vergangenheit. Ehemalige Bühnenelemente und Kostüme erzählen von vergangenen Riots. Mit gedanklichen performativen Übersetzungsversuchen anhand der verschiedenen Elemente von Ruth Erharter, Aylin Mutluer und Caro Wiltschek darf Widerstand imaginiert werden. Berenice Pahl holt Feministinnen der Vergangenheit in die Gegenwart, Christina Jaques, Olivia Jaques und Anna Watzinger versuchen mit verschiedenen performativen Interventionen die Selbstermächtigung sowohl in urbanen Raumgefügen als auch im www zu erproben (“Was hat Datenschutz mit Emanzipation und dem Spiegel-Phänomen zu tun?”) und Conny Zenk lädt mit ihrem multidimensionalen “Soundride” ein zur Partizipation – auf ihren Spuren Withness Marlies Surtmann: Riot und Ride, Riot im Riot, Re-claiming the (imaginative) space.


Matthias Hurtl is a sound artist and researcher currently based in Rotterdam. In his practice, he often is fascinated by activities occurring in the earth’s orbit. His current research Drowning in Æther focuses on the audibility of satellite signals through a practice-based approach. The practice he calls signal hunting, is a carefully planned activity that he engages to track and capture the transmissions of satellites using a set of self-built tools and antennas. His research resulted in audio-visual performances, sound installation, and electronic devices. In recent years he has collaborated with various artists and performers. Matthias’s works have been shown in exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa. He holds a Master’s degree from the Institute for Sonology of the Royal Conservatoire in Den Haag and a diploma in Digital Arts of the University for Applied Arts in Vienna.

Judit Navratil’s practice is multivalent, engaging performance, social practices, drawing, as well as video and extended realities. Her projects are as much affective mappings of what it means to continuously oscillate between analog and digital, past and present; an immigrant’s attempt to construct “home.” Navratil uses her body-device to keep balance through her compass-meditation: the Long Distance Somersault career. Rolling as far as she can helps her seeking higher alternatives and to gaze in the Eye of the Hurricane. Navratil earned an MFA in Painting at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2008 and an MFA at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco in 2019. She has been exhibiting in Hungary, Canada, France, Korea and the Bay Area. Her work has been recognized through awards including the Cadogan Art Award, a residency at Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris) and the Parent Award of Kala Art Institute. She is currently a Phd Candidate at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, an affiliate artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts and an Alternative Exposure grantee as the founder-mother of VR Art Camp. Art Camp is a social VR art residency program that is part of Judit’s ongoing project, a VR plattenbau called the Szívküldi Lakótelep, that is the base of her research, growing since 2018.

Martina Moro is a multidisciplinary artist based in Vienna. She presented her works in exhibitions, theatre stages and virtual spaces, as solo artist and in collaborative works. Moro is part of the multidisciplinary collective columbosnext. and Verschub Records, is a faculty member of PIP (Pegasus Institute for Pataphysics) and is currently pursuing an interdisciplinary master of Art and Science at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria.

Conny Zenk is a media artist working at the intersection of performance, video and sound in the context of urban architecture, feminism and the city. Their working method is transdisciplinary and artistically explorative using digital and analog interfaces, vehicles, and media. In 2017, they started the participatory event series RAD Performance. They have organized Night Rides and Art Rides (Art Ride X) since 2014, which took place as part of CITY OF NOISE with Viennese record labels. Entitled Dance your Bike! she is developing a new composition format for the bicycle, as part of an Artistic Research Pilot Project at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Since 2020, they have been working on a new music format such as Soundrides in public space. Conny Zenk has been working as an artist in the field of Visual Music since 2007. They are a visual member of the band VENTIL and a synth-bike musician with CyberHypercycle.

Conny Zenk studied digital art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, as well as Experimental and Electroacoustic Music at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. They are currently a Phd in Art candidate as well as lecturer at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Kindly supported by the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport and the City of Vienna.

Riot im Riot. On re-claiming space

  • Exhibition Opening: 5 July 2023
  • 6 July 2023 – 5 August 2023 – Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory, Vienna
  • Booklet | Audioplay | Augmented Reality by Conny Zenk in cooperation with amateur | Birgit Rampula, Artifical Museum, Ramona Cidej, Verena Dürr, Gischt, Georg Hartl, Matthias Hurtl, Suzie Léger, Bianca Ludewig, Martina Moro, Judit Navratil, Magdalena Scheicher, Joanna Zabielska;
  • 8 July 2023 – Essay on Soundrides by Verena Dürr

In the Presence of Artistic Research

  • Sound Rides
  • Exhibition Opening: 22 May 2023
  • 23 May 2023 – 26 May 2023 - AIL – Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab
  • Otto Wagner-Postsparkasse, Vienna

In-between spaces of collective embodiment

  • Lecture Performances
  • 13 February 2023, RAD Performance x VR ART Camp
  • 24 February 2023, CIVA Festival, Belvedere 21, Vienna
  • 10 March 2023, Game Arts Homeroom, San Francisco


  • Artistic Direction: Conny Zenk
  • Technical Direction: Georg Hartl
  • Project Managment: Lena Kauer
  • Sound Performance and Compositions: Matthias Hurtl, Anna Lerchbaumer, Conny Zenk
  • 3d Scanning and Animation: Martina Moro, Joanna Zabielska, Conny Zenk
  • Mozilla Hubs: Judit Navratil, Joanna Zabielska, Conny Zenk
  • Soundrides XR hosted by VR Art Camp
  • Soundbike AR hosted by Artificial Museum
  • Cinematography: Ioana Tarchila
  • Photography: Hannah Mayr
  • Production: a_maze | HAZE

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