Soundride x Riders Collective
We need you on the Streets!
Cycle messengers are the future of sustainable and ecological infrastructure in our city. We are cycling for an inclusive and climate-friendly city! We are taking to the streets and showing solidarity with all bike messengers in Vienna, for better employment contracts and for a real change in mobility!
Let’s unite and be strong together!
20-09-2024 | Global Climate Strike | Bike demo for a sustainable and climate-friendly city.
In solidarity with all cyclists and for a real mobility transition!
15.00 – Meeting Point: Praterstern Platz, 1020 Wien (at Tegetthoff-Denkmal)
17.00 – End: ehem. Karlsplatz, 1010 Wien (at WIEN MUSEUM)
17:30 – We join the Critical Mass, Schwarzenbergplatz, 1010 Wien
RAD Performance Soundride with speeches by Riders Collective
Slam Text by Clara Felis
Soundride Mix by Jukebox Utopia
End precarity everywhere!
We can’t find a shift, stop hire and fire!
Change the system, not the colour!
Climate Justice now!
In cooperation with the Riders Collective and WIENWOCHE.
In solidarity with Hermes Radbotinnen, Heavy Pedals and all bike messengers in Vienna.
Belli, Conny, Georg, Karin, Lu, Robert, Stefan
Danke an: Hermes Radbot*innen Wien, flinktas Vienna, Vienna Bikepolo
Artistic Direction: Conny Zenk
Technical Direction: Georg Hartl
Production Management: Lena Kauer, Michaela Zenk
Illustration: Joanna Coleman
Photography: Milena Nowak
3d Scans: Martina Moro, Conny Zenk
Costume Artwork: Conni Feitsinger, Valentina Santner
Graphic Design: Joanna Coleman
Cinematography: Ioana Tarchila, Fabio Ninic
Video Editing & Reels: Fabio Ninic
Production: a_maze | HAZE
Kindly supported by WIENWOCHE.
Freitag, 20-09-2024
- Meeting point:
- 15.00 Praterstern Platz, 1020 Wien
- Endpunkt Raddemo:
- 17:00 ehem. Karlsplatz, 1010 Wien
- 17:30 We join the CRITICAL MASS
- Schwarzenbergplatz, 1010 Wien