SPIRAL BIKE urban echo

SPIRAL BIKE | Concert | Performance | Soundride

SPIRAL BIKE invites you to immerse yourself in a transformative exploration of sound, movement, and the urban environment. RAD Performance reimagines the bicycle not merely as a mode of transport but as a dynamic instrument that merges with the surrounding space to create a new form of public performance. The bike becomes a vehicle, an instrument, and a performer, guiding the audience through a multisensory experience where electronic music and physical movement converge.

SPIRAL BIKE engages with the city’s inherent soundscape, playfully composed with the urban surroundings, continuity, speed, and acceleration. We seek to reclaim public spaces by using sound as a medium and a vehicle for collaboration, challenging power structures that shape our cities.

RAD Performance encourages audiences to listen in new ways, participate actively in the sonic redefinition of their surroundings, and engage in a collaborative practice that challenges and redefines the city’s acoustic identity. SPIRAL BIKE is an invitation to ride, listen, and collectively reimagine the urban soundscape.


Marta Beauchamp is a sound artist, musician and artistic researcher. Her sound installations develop around data drawn from publications about biological rhythms; in her PhD project “Tipping points in transmediation” she investigates the practice of transmediation of data into installations. She is part of the international collective “A meeting place for sounds” and of “TONSPUR”, Wien. Marta plays cello and bass in the electronica and improvisation duo beauchamp*geissler, with whom she performs internationally; she has released albums on Quadratisch Rekords and Goldgelb Records.


Misonica as a Dj is a strong selector across times and spaces, fusing hidden gems from all over the world and obscure vocal tracks into a coherent, punchy mix between Industrial and EBM, Tribal and Cosmic or experimental sounds. In her recently presented live sets, she works with field recordings, ambient noises and her voice. They engage with a larger narrative, and guide us into imaginary realms, opening auratic spaces that we can walk in.
Misonica has a residency at Noods Radio (Bristol, UK) with her monthly show Imbroglio, where she presents the Viennese Underground scene with sounds beyond the worn-out club paths.


Hypercycle ist eine immersive audiovisuelle Fahrradperformance, die Noise, Tekkno, Klangkunst, Mindmachines und DIY verschmelzen lässt.

„Das Fahrrad ist für uns die Wahrheit des Seins, unsere geräumige Bleibe, die Klarheit unserer Liebe und die Glut unserer Leidenschaften.“

„Ich will mir meine Zeit von denen wieder holen, die sie mir gestohlen haben. Ich habe immer darauf geachtet, so wenig wie möglich zu arbeiten, um Radfahren zu können. Fahrrad zu fahren ist die Huldigung der Intelligenz an die Faulheit.“


Moritz Nahold is digital musician and sound artist who facilitates live performances under his moniker Subletvis. In his work, he explores facets of various sonic artifacts, channeling the space between abstract composition and pop signifiers. Current iterations are embracing plugin presets, vocal chops, club elements and distorted frequencies for blissful encounters. Apart from composing for performance-, and dance pieces, his music has been released on labels such as Ventil Records, Tender Matter and Ashida Park.

Conny Zenk works as an artist in performance, video, and sound art. She applies narratives such as continuity and acceleration through audio-visual compositions and live performances. Conny founded the art project RAD Performance, which focuses on the fusion of performance and sound art with collective practices such as cycling. Since then, numerous projects in sound art, city history, and feminism have been realized with bicycles in public spaces. With projects such as SPIRAL BIKE, VELODROME, and Soundrides, she has been working on a new music format, which has been developed as an innovative possibility for concerts in public spaces.


Äri, Astrid, Bokan, Belli, Gulnaz, Lili, Lu
Danke an: Hermes Radbot*innen Wien, flinktas Vienna, Vienna Bikepolo


Artistic Direction: Conny Zenk
Technical Direction: Georg Hartl
Technical Crew: Markus Liszt, Matthias Huber, Anda Pichler
Production Management: Lena Kauer | der goldene shit
Production Assistance: Michaela Zenk
Illustration: Joanna Coleman
3d Scans: Martina Moro, Conny Zenk
Photography: Hannah Mayr
Costume Design: Larissa Kramarek
Costume Artwork: Conni Feitsinger, Valentina Santner
On-Site Recording: Philipp Rauchwarter
Graphic Design: Joanna Coleman & Hannah Mayr
Cinematography: Ioana Tarchila, Fabio Ninic
Video Editing & Reels: Fabio Ninic
Production: a_maze | HAZE

Kindly supported by the City of Vienna MA7 and the Federal Ministry of Austrian Culture.

Saturday, 28-09-2024

  • Meeting point:
  • 17:00 SOUNDRIDE
  • Arsenalsteg, Sonnwendviertel, 1100 Vienna
  • 18:30 CONCERTS
  • RAD-Spirale Südbahnhofbrücke, Arsenalstraße 5b, 1030 Vienna
  • GPS: 48.178056, 16.392479

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